Naturopathic Wellness Center
Karen Brainard, RN, ND, EFTMP-C

Welcome to my healing practice.

               Invest in Your Health

Acugraph is a software program that identifies the imbalances in your energy meridians and gives the points that will correct whether too high or too low. It also shows where on the spine there is inflammation affecting surrounding nerves and soft tissue. Massage, pressure, magnets, needles, and frequency vibrations are used to bring balance. 

Lymph drainage is detoxifying and helps build the immune system. Self care techniques are taught and emphasized. 





Jin Shin Do Acupressure, Swedish Massage, Lymph Drainage, Medical Massage, Craniosacral therapy.  

Utilizing the power of the energy meridians to discover your body's greatest needs. No matter the goal acugraph testing can help to determine your Meridian energy and whether some areas are over energized or deficient. Tapping on specific acupuncture points can bring your distress level down and often times all the way to zero.


Suggestions for eating healthy or nutrient supplements. 


parasite cleanse using a frequency device and herbal suggestions. 

One of the most important things we can do for our health is to know how to detox certain organs and what it looks like for that organ to be toxic. A toxic liver is behind many pains, acne, reproductive problems, and even cancer.

Building The Immune System

Stress management, sleeping well, exercise, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Fibromyalgia Self Care is taught here. Daily self care is the key to reclaiming your health. Lymph drainage, brain wave entrainment, autogenics, progressive relaxation, stretching, self massage, and EFT. After 6 training sessions you will feel great and know what to do to continue to feel good. Also recommended for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme Disease, and Rheumatoid conditions. 


Deep pore cleanse, aromatherapy, lymph drainage, acupressure face lift, and relaxation are all part of your facial experience. Blackheads and whiteheads are removed, unwanted hair removal, exfoliation and deep moisturizing.


Allergy elimination is homeopathic and also involves muscle testing. Everything has an electro-magnetic field and it's own vibration. That is what makes everything distinct and unique separating species and vegatation and giving different characteristics to humans in their thinking, emotions, physicality, and personality. When a substance is brought into your energy field that is not compatible, an indicator muscle will weaken. Sometimes in the case of wheat, gluten or dairy, a person will need to avoid certain foods but in some cases, the vibrational response can be changed so that the person no longer reacts to the substance in a negative way. 

EFT or (emotional freedom technique) is also done with muscle testing and tapping on acupuncture points while clearing the body of emotionally stuck energy that can keep us stuck, not just emotionally but also spiritually and physically. Certified in Addictions recovery through the American Association of Christian Counselors as well as Stress and PTSD with Military applications enhances the skills needed to tap into the source of the problem. Using this knowledge combined with EFT is powerful in producing fast results when other therapies have failed.  

Acugraph and auriculo-therapy software programs are used to determine and treat the imbalance in the meridian system. There are emotions involved with each meridian and EFT is one of the tools used to balance the emotion involved in the amyglada portion of the brain where emotional memories are stored. 


I have been doing holistic healing for many years. I treat a broad range of problems from muscular to energetic, physical to emotional both resulting from an imbalance in chi energy in the meridian system. I can help you uncover the underlying cause to get to the root of the issue. Together, we can collaborate on a recommended and informed path to wellness. 

Massage can

Reduce anxiety

Reduce the flow of stress hormones

Improve sleep

Reduce fatigue and increase energy levels

Improve concentration

Increase Circulation

Improve Self-Esteem

Reduce headache frequency

Release Endorphins

Jin Shin Do combined with Energy Psychology 

Can remove the emotional component that keeps pain and unhealthy patterns stuck. Scientific studies have shown that 2/3 of pain even after surgery or from a broken bone can be resolved quickly with this easy technique. 


Acupressure$75.00 / 60 minutes
Craniosacral $75.00 / 60 minutes
Energy Work$75.00 / 60 minutes
Facial Massage$75.00 / 60 minutes
Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure$75.00 / 60 minutes
Lymph Drainage$75.00 / 60 minutes
Somato Emotional Release$75.00 / 60 minutes
Touch For Health$75.00 / 60 minutes