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The Lymphatic system is a network of vessels, organs, the spleen, thymus and tonsils, and nodes thoughout the body that filter bacteria, viruses, toxic debri and dead cells. The lymph fluid is a straw colored serum that also brings nutrients as well as white blood cells to areas of injury to protect us from infection and therefore becomes a very important part of our immune system. Edema is the swelling caused by excess fluid that cannot make it's way back into the venous circulation for various reasons. If a person has had surgery which required the removal of lymph nodes or if the lymph vessels had to be cut through, this might obstruct the flow and cause the effected part of the body to swell, usually arms (breast cancer surgery) or legs, ankles, feet. Very often this is a condition that must be managed for a lifetime. If not managed, it can lead to wounds that do not heal easily, cellulitis, fatigue and shortness of breath, or more serious conditions. At best, it disrupts your quality of life. For best results I recommend Swedish massage and add on abdominal work to open the drainage pump along with EFT to relax the diaphragm and deepen the breath.
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